Barbados’ Foremost Democratic Institution

The Barbados Labour Party, (BLP), is the second oldest political institution in the English-speaking Caribbean, now in its 85th year.
The Party’s motto is, A Better Life for Our People.
This is a direct link to the first aim and objectives of the Party which declared a vision to “promote the social and economic development of its people…”.
Strict adherence to this vision has led to the remaking of Barbados from a country of serfdom and horrible social conditions into the modern, democratic and socially progressive society that is admired, respected and emulated worldwide.
We are the Party that delivered to all Barbadians, universal adult suffrage – the right to vote – which is the cornerstone of our democracy.
Other revolutionary initiatives include:
- the formation of the island’s first workers’ union, the Barbados Workers Union, (BWU);
- introduction of free secondary education; the development of almost all of Barbados’ modern infrastructure;
- provision of universal access to health care;
- watershed legislation including those governing women and children’s rights
- and what many consider the most signal development in post-Independence Barbados – the passing of the Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act which gave tens of thousands of Barbadians the right to own land.

The first meeting of what would become the BLP was held on the 31st of March, 1938, at the home of Mr. James Martineau – known as Martineau House – in Bay Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael.
The Barbados Labour Party, (BLP), is the second oldest political institution in the English-speaking Caribbean, now in its 85th year.

Now led by Mia Amor Mottley, the first female to lead a political party in Barbados, the BLP has been the engine of almost every major development in Barbados – it is certainly the marker for the vast majority of transformational points in our nation’s history.
The BLP’s highest body is its annual delegates conference. It also has a Party Executive and National Council, along with branch executives and branches in each of the 30 constituencies that make up the political map in Barbados.
There is a youth organ, the League of Young Socialists, (LYS), and the Women’s League.
We also have two overseas affiliates, the New York and UK branches.
Senator Dr. Jerome Walcott is General-Secretary.
The BLP currently has 30 members in the elected 30-member House of Assembly and two appointed Senators in the Upper House, the Senate.
Mia Mottley, who was political leader from 2008 – 2010, was again elected to lead our Party after the 2013 elections.
She is the first female to lead a political party in Barbados. On May 25, 2018, she was the first female to be elected Prime Minister.